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Webinar Overview: Latest Developments and Current Affairs in…
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Webinar Overview: Latest Developments and Current Affairs in…

Need help with the NOW application? What should you pay attention to before and after the application? We are happy to help you.

In this webinar we answer a number of important questions, such as:

  • the NOW Scheme: what does it entail?
  • decline in turnover and wage bill: how do these variables work in practice?
  • expiring contracts and the use of flexible workers: what is the right decision?
  • reorganize, NOW or not? Are you allowed to reorganize during the NOW period?
  • determination of the subsidy: how is the amount of the subsidy determined and which corrections are applied after inspection?

The webinar will take place on Tuesday, April 14 at 4:00 PM (approximately 45 min.). Participation is free. There are a limited number of login slots available, so be quick!

Do you have any questions in advance? Send an email with your question to

You will receive the participation link by email on the day itself.



  • Corporate/M&A